RHS Class of 1968

Thank You to Allen Varga for the use of his yearbook


***** Yearbook Pictures ******
Did your Senior Class picture not make it to the yearbook? If so, please send them to kenvarga@cox.net.

Pictures From The Past

Scenes From our Yearbook

Our Teachers

The People Who Helped Mold Us


January Class

The January 1968 Class


June Class

The June 1968 Class


The Gallery

Scenes from RHS



Our memories from back in the day

Your Memory Here

April ‘xx – Your Name

Your Memory Title

Your Memory Here

April ‘xx – Your Name

Your Memory Title

Your Memory Here

April ‘xx – Your Name

Your Memory Title

Your Memory Here

April ‘xx – Your Name

Your Memory Title

Your Memory Here

April ‘xx – Your Name

Your Memory Title

Your Memory Here

April ‘xx – Your Name

Your Memory Title

Have any good memories from back in the day that you would like to share?

    Your Name

    Memory Month/Year

    Your Memory

    Gone Too Soon

    Classmates who are no longer with us.

    Please contact me at KenVarga@cox.net if someone has passed away that is missing from this list. Please send the name and the graduation year.

    Last Update : 16 JAN 2020

    Carol (Laurain) Adair

    Ken Adair

    Gary Adams

    Lee Amo

    Larry Arsenault

    George Athan

    Joe Badalamente

    James Baroody

    Larry Bartlett

    Ron Blackston

    Robert Blainey

    Jim Border

    Tom Borek

    Linda Brichta

    Bonnie Bryson

    John Burnham

    Micheal Burns

    LaDonna Bush

    Ken Cantrell

    Patrick Clark

    Terry Cochran

    Frank Cowie

    Elmer Cox

    Susan Cox

    Charlie Crum

    Jerry Cunningham

    Bill Dailing

    Larry Deichelboher

    Randy Ditto

    Frank Dumbeck

    Alice Duthie

    Sybil Estill

    Linda Fisher

    Annette Fore

    Dave Funk

    Patricia Gartner

    Alan Gering

    Linda Gillan

    William Green

    Keith Hall

    Dan Hancock

    Paul Herrst

    Dennis (Mike) Hill

    Tim Hill

    Karen Hoch

    Terry Holme

    Anna (Jackson) Bowers

    Tom Jankowski

    Judy Johnson

    Rich Jones

    Jim Keisel

    Roger Knapp

    Daniel Konarske

    Grace Konopczynski

    Frank LaCroix

    Ron Langdeau

    Larry Lapinski

    Mark Litner

    Jerry Menard

    Russell Menzel

    Paul Mickel

    Jim Mills

    Millie (Brucker) Mills

    Stan Miskelley

    Jim Moody

    Scott Monday

    Wayne Newton

    Tom Noel

    Gary Oanea

    Monica Ostrowski

    Denise Pappas

    Gail Petraska

    Don Piotter

    Joan (Nickoloff) Pruett

    Jan Qualls

    Edward Reeve

    Margaret Regan

    Alan Reifsnider

    Ellen Schmidt

    Hoyt Schuler

    Carol Schuster

    Don Scott

    Tom Schoens

    John Sikora

    Brian Smith

    John Stogiera

    Larry Sweet

    William Swiecki

    Elaine Tardiff

    Marcella Tewell

    Charles Tuttle

    Constance Uroda

    Marty VanGeison

    William Waldrop

    David Warriner

    Sandra Wasilewski

    Karen (Hilbrecht) Waterman

    Walter Wieczorek

    Frances Zgoda

    Jim Zulewski